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Plant Photos & Pictures













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- Alfalfa dodder
- Alpine Bearberry
- Alpine Bearberry
- Alpine Penny-cress
- Alternate-leaved Golden Saxifrage
- American Cranberry
- Androcymbium psammophilum
- Aristolochia arborea
- Arum
- Asiatic Lily
- Atlas cedar
- Austrian Flax
- Autumn Crocus
- Autumn Gentian
- Banana plant
- Barnyard grass
- Bastard Balm
- Beach Morning Glory - Goat´s Foot
- Beaked lousewort
- Bean broomrape
- Bear Garlic
- Bear's breeches, Bearsfoot, Oyster plant
- Beard Lichen
- Beard lichen
- Bee Orchid
- Beehive Ginger
- Bertoloni's Bee Orchid
- Bidens radiata
- Bilberry
- Birch
- Bird´s-Eye Primrose
- Bird-in-a-bush
- Bird's-nest Orchid
- Bitter Vetch
- Black Crowberry
- Black Elder
- Black Henbane
- Black Locust
- Blackberry
- Blackthorn
- Bladderwort
- Bloody Cranesbill
- Bloody Dogwood
- Blue Bugle
- Blue Cowslip Lungwort
- Blue Flag Iris
- Blue Heath
- Blue Marsh Felwort
- Blue passion flower, Common passion flower
- Blue Pimpernel
- Bog Arum
- Bog Bilberry
- Bogbean
- Bracken, Brake, Common bracken
- Branched plantain
- Breckland Thyme
- Brier Rose
- Broad-leaved Helleborine
- Bromelia
- Broom
- Brown Knapweed
- Buckwheat
- Bug orchis
- Bulbous Bluegrass
- Burning Bush
- Burnt Orchid
- Bushy Wallflower
- Butterfly Pea
- Cabbage Thistle
- Cactus
- Cactus
- Cactus
- Cactus
- Cactus
- Cactus
- Canadian goldenrod
- Candelabra Tree
- Cape Sundew
- Caper
- Carob tree, St John’s Bread
- Carpathian wonder
- Cashew Tree
- Centaurea pseudophrygia
- Centaurea stoebe
- Charlock
- Chickweed Wintergreen
- Chicory
- Chives
- Cistanca
- Clematis
- Cloudberry
- Cnidium dubium
- Cobra Lily - California Pitcher plant
- Cocksfoot
- Cocoa tree
- Coconut
- Colorado Blue Spruce
- Colt's Foot
- Common Alder
- Common Aspen
- Common Bistort
- Common Butterbur
- Common Columbine
- Common corn-cockle
- Common cottongrass, Common cottonsedge
- Common daisy, Paris daisy,
- Common Fig
- Common Fleabane
- Common Foxglove
- Common Fumitory
- Common Globularia
- Common Hardgrass
- Common Hawthorn
- Common Hazel
- Common heather
- Common Hepatica
- Common Hop
- Common Hornbeam
- Common Juniper
- Common larch
- Common Lilac
- Common Lungwort
- Common Lupine
- Common Mare's-tail
- Common Milkweed
- Common Oak
- Common Polypody
- Common polypody
- Common Privet
- Common Ragwort
- Common Red Poppy
- Common Sainfoin
- Common Scurvy Grass
- Common Spotted-orchid
- Common Stork's-bill
- Common Sundev
- Common Toadflax
- Common Toothwort
- Common Twayblade
- Common Wild Oat
- Common Wintergreen
- Common Yew
- Comon Golden Thistle
- Coralroot
- Corn cleavers
- Cornflower, Bachelor's button
- Coronilla vaginalis
- Corydalis intermedia
- Corydalis pumila
- Cotón de Lanzarote
- Cotswold Pennycress
- Cotton Thistle
- Cowslip
- Cranberry
- Creeping Bellflower
- Creeping Thistle
- Creeping Thyme
- Crested Cow-Wheat
- Crimson pitcherplant, White pitcher plant
- Cross-leaved Heath
- Crown Vetch
- Cuckoo Flower
- Cut-leaved Germander
- Dahlia
- Dahlia
- Dahlia
- Dahlia
- Dahlia
- Dahlia
- Dahlia
- Dahlia
- Dahlia
- Dahlia
- Dahlia
- Dahlia
- Dahlia
- Dahlia
- Dahlia
- Dahlia
- Dahlia
- Dahlia
- Dahlia
- Dahlia
- Dahlia
- Dahlia
- Dahlia
- Dahlia
- Dahlia
- Dahlia
- Dahlia
- Dahlia
- Dahlia
- Dahlia
- Dahlia
- Dahlia
- Dahlia
- Dahlia
- Dahlia
- Dahlia
- Dahlia
- Dahlia
- Dahlia
- Dahlia
- Dahlia
- Dahlia
- Dahlia
- Dahlia
- Dandelion
- Daphne
- Dark Early Spider Orchid
- Dark Rockrose
- Darwn ś cotton
- Deadly Nightshade
- Dense-Flowered Mullein
- Dianthus sylvaticus
- Dillenius' Speedwell
- Dog's Mercury
- Dog's-Tooth Violet
- Dragon´S-Teeth
- Drooping Bittercress
- Drosera montana
- Dutch crocus
- Dwarf Alpenrose
- Dwarf Birch
- Dwarf Thistle
- Early coralroot, Northern coralroot, Yellow coralroot
- Early dog violet
- Early Marsh-orchid
- Early-purple Orchid
- Early-purple orchid
- Eastern White Pine
- Elder-flowered Orchid
- English Ivy
- English Sundew
- Ephedra
- Erect Cinquefoil
- Erysimum crepidifolium
- Eurasian Dwarf Cornel, Bunchberry
- European ash, Common ash
- European Beech
- European Bird Cherry
- European Cornel
- European Globeflower
- European Goldenrod
- European mistletoe, common mistletoe
- European plum trees
- European Spindle
- European White Elm
- False Sow-Thistle, False Sowthistle
- False Virginia Creeper
- Fern
- Fern Leaf Lavender
- Fernald, Buck's-beard
- Ficaria calthifolia
- Field Cudweed
- Field Elm
- Field Eryngo
- Field Gagea
- Field Gladiolus
- Field Horsetail, Common Horsetail
- Field mint
- Field Mous-ear
- Field Nigella
- Field Wormwood
- Fine-leaved Water Dropwort
- Fire Lily
- Fly Orchid
- Fool's Parsley
- Fragrant orchid
- Fragrant orchid
- Fringed Water-lily, Yellow Floating-heart, Water Fringe
- German Inula
- German Madwort
- Giant fennel
- Giant Hogweed
- Giant Staghorn - Fork-Leafed Sundew
- Ginkgo Tree
- Glandular globe-thistle, Great globe-thistle, Pale globe-thistle,
- Globe Orchid
- Globe Thistle
- Globeflower
- Goat Grass
- Goat Willow
- Goat's Rue
- Goat's-beard
- Golden Dock
- Goldilocks
- Grass of Parnassus
- Great feather grass
- Great Horsetail
- Great Wood-rush
- Greater Burdock
- Greater Celandine
- Greater Knapweed
- Greater Stitchwort
- Greek, helleborus
- Green pitcher plant
- Green-winged Orchid
- Grisley Beard Lichen
- Ground Cherry
- Guelder-rose
- Gypsywort
- Hairy Violet
- Halosiphon tomentosus
- Hard-fern, Deer fern
- Hare'S-Tail Cottongrass
- Harebell
- Haresfoot Clover
- Harewell speedwell
- Hart's Milk Vetch
- Hautbois Strawberry
- Hawkweed Ox-tongue
- Heart cherries
- Heartsease, Heart's ease
- Heath Dog-violet
- Heath Rush
- Hedge Bindweed
- Heliconia
- Hemp Agrimony
- Henbane
- Herb Paris
- Hibiscus
- High Mallow
- Himalayan Balsam
- Hoary Plantain
- Hoary Rock-rose
- Hoary Rock-rose
- Holm oak
- Honesty, Annual honesty i
- Horsechestnut
- Houseleek
- Hungarian Gentian
- Hungarian Iris
- Hybrid plane (fruits)
- Iris
- Irish Saxifrage
- Issler's Clubmoss
- Italian Aster
- Jackfruit
- Japanese Flowering Cherry
- Japanese Lanterns
- Japanese Rose
- Jeruselem Thorn
- Juniper
- Knapweed Broomrape
- Knotted Clover
- Knotted wrack
- Knotweed
- Lacaitas Ragwurz
- Lacy phacelia, Blue tansy, Purple tansy.
- Ladder Spleenwort
- Lady Orchid
- Lady´s Slipper
- Lanzarote Giant Houseleek
- Large Bittercress
- Large Brown Clover
- Large Thyme
- Large Yellow Foxglove
- Late Spider Orchid
- Lathyrus lacteus
- Lesser Buterfly-orchid
- Lesser Celandine
- Lesser Celandine
- Lesser Chickweed
- Lesser Dodder
- Lesser Stitchwort
- Lichen
- Lily of the Valley
- Lingonberry, cowberry, foxberry, mountain cranberry, csejka berry, red whortleberry, lowbush cranberry, mountain bilberry, partridgeberry
- Linum tenuifolium
- Lizard Orchid
- Long-stemmed Fairy Candelabra
- Longleaf
- Lonicera caeruelea var. kamtschatica
- Low Baby's Breath
- Maiden pink
- Maidenhair spleenwort
- Male fern
- Malus
- Mangrove
- Maple-leaved Goosefoot
- Marsh Cinquefoil
- Marsh Clubmoss
- Marsh Cudweed
- Marsh Marigold
- Marsh Spurge
- Martagon Lily
- Mat-Grass
- Meadow clary, Meadow sage
- Meadow Eyebright
- Meadow Fleabane
- Meadow Salsify
- Meadowsweet, Mead wort
- Medicinal Aloe
- Mediterranean Beach Daisy
- Medusa Plant
- Melancholy Thistle
- Mezereon
- Military Orchid
- Mock strawberry,Indian-strawberry, False strawberry
- Monkswort
- Moss
- Moss
- Moss
- Moss
- Mountain Alyssum
- Mountain Avens
- Mountain Clover
- Mountain Crowberry
- Mountain Grass
- Mountain Pine
- Mountain Tassel, Mountain Snowbells
- Mouse-ear Hawkweed
- Mousetail
- Mullein
- Music Gelb
- Myosotis stenophylla
- Myrtle euphorbia, donkeytail spurge
- Narrow-Leaved Pitcher-Plant
- Narrow-leaved Ragwort
- Nepenthes petiolata
- Nepenthes truncata
- Net-leaved Willow
- Nodding Beggarticks
- Norfolk Island Pine
- Northern Fairy Candelabra
- Northern Rock-cress
- Norway Maple
- Norway Spruce
- Oblong-leaved Sundew
- Olive
- Ophrys
- Ophrys
- Ophrys
- Ophrys orchid
- Ophrys orchid
- Opium Poppy
- Opposite-leaved Golden Saxifrage
- Orange hawkweed
- Orchid
- Orchid
- Orchid
- Orchid
- Orchid
- Orchid
- Orthantha lutea
- Ostrich fern, Shuttlecock fern
- Oxeye Daisy
- Oxlip
- Pach-leaved Bellflower
- Pale-flowered Orchid
- Parrot pitcher plant
- Pasque Flower
- Pasque Flower
- Pasque Flower
- Passion-flower
- Pear
- Peony
- Perennial Knawel
- Perforate St John's Wort
- Periwinkle
- Phyteuma
- Pine
- Pinguicula esseriana
- Pinguicula moranensis
- Pitcher plant
- Pitcher plant
- Pitcher Plant
- Pitcher Plant
- Ploughman's Spikenard
- Poison Hemlock
- Polygala
- Pomegranate
- Potato
- Potentilla arenaria
- Prickly Pear
- Pulicaria canariensis
- Purple loosestrife
- Purple Milk-vetch
- Purple Mullein
- Pyramidal Bugle
- Pyramidal Orchid
- Radnor lily
- Ragged Robin
- Ramalina canariensis
- Ranunculus cortusifolius
- Ranunculus illyricus
- Red Campion
- Red campion
- Red Clover
- Red deadnettle, Purple deadnettle, Purple archangel
- Red elder
- Red Helleborine
- Red Horse-chestnut
- Red Trefoil
- Reindeer lichen
- Rhodie
- Rock dandelion
- Rockrose
- Roman Wormwood
- Rootless Duckweed
- Rose
- Round-Leaved Fluellen
- Rowan
- Rubus amphimalacus
- Rubus lividus
- Saltcedar
- Saucer Magnolia
- Sawfly Orchid
- Scentless Mayweed
- Scheuchzer's Cottongrass
- Scots Pine
- Scots Pine
- Sea Arrowgrass
- Sea Campion
- Sea Daffodil
- Sea Kale
- Sea lettuce
- Sea Plantain
- Sea Sandwort
- Sea Spurge
- Sea Squill
- Sea thrift
- Sea-Milkwort
- Seep Monkey Flower
- Serpentine Spleenwort
- Service Tree
- Seseli hippomarathrum
- Sessile Oak
- Sheep's bit scabious
- Shining Orache
- Shrubby Milkwort
- Siberian Iris
- Sickle Medick
- Silver Fir, European Silver Fir
- Silver Lace Vine, Russian Vine
- Silverweed
- Slender Hare's-ear
- Small Alison
- Small Balsam
- Small Bugloss
- Small Cudweed
- Small Pasque Flower
- Small Pasque Flower
- Small-leaved Lime
- Snakeshead, Adder's root, Arum,
- Sneezewort
- Snowdrop
- Snowdrop Anemone
- Snowflake
- Soapwort
- Southern catalpa, Cigartree, Indian-bean-tree
- Spear Thistle
- Sphagnum Moss
- Spiked Rampion
- Spiny Rest Harrow
- Spotted Dead-nettle
- Spreading Bellflower
- Spreng
- Spring Celebrities Rose
- Spring Cinquefoil
- Spring Heath
- Spring Pasque Flower
- Spring Vetchling
- Squarrose Knapweed
- St. Bernard Lily
- Staghorn Sumac
- Stagshorn Clubmoss
- Star of Bethlehem
- Stemless carline thistle, Dwarf carline thistle, Silver thistle
- Stiging Nettle
- Stipa capillata
- Stool Iris
- Strawberry Clover
- Strawberry Tree
- Stream water crowfoot
- Sulla
- Summer Pheasant's-eye
- Summer Pheasant's-eye
- Summer Snowflake
- Sun-flower
- Sundew
- Sweet almond tree
- Sweet chestnut
- Sweet Violet
- Swine-cress
- Swiss Pine
- Sword-leaved Helleborine, Narrow-leaved Helleborine
- Tabaibas
- Tall Violet
- Tatarian orache
- Tatarican Colewort
- Teasel Clover
- Thistle
- Thorn-Apple
- Tillandsia
- Tillandsia recurvata
- Toothed wrack
- Touch-me-not Balsam
- Trailing Azalea
- Transylvanian Pearl Grass
- Tree Fern
- Tree Mallow
- Tree spurge
- Tree-of-heaven
- Tube Lichen
- Tuberous Sweet Pea
- Tulip tree
- Tumble Mustard
- Unbranched Bur-reed
- Upright Hedge Parsley
- Utricularia sandersonii
- Uvilla de mar
- Venus Flytrap
- Verberis vulgaris
- Viennese Squill
- Viper's bugloss, Blueweed
- Viper's Grass
- Virginia Creeper
- Warty Cabbage
- Water Avens
- Water cabbage, Water lettuce, Nile cabbage, Shellflower
- Water Caltrop
- Water lily
- Water mudwort
- Water Smartweed
- Watermelon
- Wayfaring tree
- West Australian Pitcher Plant
- Western Marsh Orchid
- Western skunk cabbage, Yellow skunk cabbage, American skunk-cabbage, Swamp lantern
- White asphodel
- White Butterbur
- White Clover
- White Cushion Moss
- White False-hellebore
- White Helleborine
- White Horehound
- White Water-Lili
- White Water-Lily
- Whitlow Grass
- Wild Carrot
- Wild Chamomile
- Wild Liquorice
- Wild Mignonette
- Wild Rosemary
- Wild Tulip
- Willow
- Willow Gentian
- Willowleaf Meadowsweet
- Wood Anemone
- Wood club-rush
- Wood Cow-wheat
- Wood cranesbill, Woodland geranium
- Wood ragwort
- Wood Sorrel, Shamrock
- Woolly Milk-Vetch
- Woolly thistle
- Wormwood Broomrape
- Wych Elm
- Xanthium albinum
- Yarrow Broomrape
- Yellow Alyssum
- Yellow Asphodel
- Yellow Bee Orchid
- Yellow Bluestem
- Yellow Broomrape
- Yellow Corydalis
- Yellow Everlasting Daisies
- Yellow Flag Iris
- Yellow Pheasant's-eye
- Yellow pitcher plant
- Yellow Star-of-Bethlehem
- Yellow Wood Anemone
- Yelow Bird's-nest
- Yyellow crocus[
- Zigzag Clover
Plants & Flowers

Plants & Flowers - Pictures of Flowers, Nature Photos & Images
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