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Medicinal fungi (mushrooms)

Medicinal fungi (mushrooms)
Species found: 164
- Fungi marked "Medicinal" are not miraculously curative and cannot be eaten heedlessly.
- It rather means they contain some curative substances and some of them can even be poisonous!
Species found: 164
Fungi (mushrooms) - Icon explanation
Medicinal fungi (mushrooms) - list in alphabetical order:
- Albatrellus confluens
- Almond Woodwax
- Amethyst Deceiver
- Aniseed Cockleshell
- Aniseed Funnel
- Antrodia serialis
- Artist's Bracket
- Bare-toothed Brittlegill
- Bay Bolete
- Birch Polypore
- Bitter Bolete
- Bitter Oysterling
- Black Bulgar
- Blackening Brittlegill
- Bleeding tooth fungus
- Blewit - Lepista luscina
- Blue Tooth
- Blusher
- Blushing Beard Truffle
- Blushing Bracket
- Bolete - Suillus collinitus
- Bolete - Suillus collinitus
- Bovine Bolete
- Branched Oyster
- Brick Tuft
- Broad-Gilled Agaric
- Candlesnuff Fungus
- Chanterelle
- Charcoal Burner
- Chicken of the woods
- Clouded Funnel
- Clustered Toughshank
- Common Earthball
- Common Funnel
- Common Ink Cap
- Common Porecrust
- Common Puffball
- Common Stump Brittlestem
- Conical Morel
- Copper Spike
- Coral Tooth
- Crab Brittlegill
- Curry Milkcap
- Curry Milkcap
- Dark Scaled Knight
- Dead Man's Fingers
- Death Cap
- Devil's Bolete
- Dryad´s Saddle
- Dyeball
- Dyeball
- Ebony cup
- Elfin Saddle
- Fairy Inkcap
- Fairy Ring Champignon
- False Chantarelle
- False Saffron Milkcap
- Field Blewit
- Fly Agaric
- Fragrant Bracket
- Fragrant Tooth
- Freckled Dapperling
- Gassy Webcap
- Gassy Webcap
- Glistening Inkcap
- Gray and Yellow Knight-cap
- Green Stropharia
- Greencracked Brittlegill
- Grey Knight
- Gypsy Mushroom
- Hairy Bracket
- Herald of Winter
- Hollow Bolete
- Horn of Plenty
- Hygrophorus persoonii
- Hygrophorus persoonii
- Jelly Ear
- Jelly Rot
- Jelly Tooth
- King Alfred's Cakes
- Lacquered Bracket
- Late Fall Polypore
- Lilac Bonnet
- Lumpy Bracket
- Magpie Inkcap
- March Woodwax
- Mosaic Puffball
- Mycetinis scorodonius
- Olive Oysterling
- Orange Knight
- Orange Peel Fungus
- Oyster - Pleurotus calyptratus
- Oyster Mushroom
- Pale Oyster
- Parasitic Bolete
- Parasol
- Parrot Waxcap
- Penny Bun
- Peppery Milkcap
- Pig´s Ear
- Plums and Custard
- Poplar Knight
- Porcelain Fungus
- Psathyrella candolleana
- Psilocybe bohemica
- Queen bolete
- Red Banded Polypore
- Red cracking bolete
- Root Rot
- Rooting Shank
- Rosy Brittlegill
- Roundhead - Stropharia rugosoannulata
- Ruby Elfcup
- Russet Toughshank
- Salmon Salad
- Scaly Sawgill
- Scarlet Caterpillarclub
- Shaggy Inkcap
- Shaggy Scalycap
- Sheathed Woodtuft
- Sheep Polypore
- Sickener
- Silverleaf Fungus
- Slippery Jack
- Smoky Bracket
- Snaketongue Truffleclub
- Spectacular Rustgill
- Spectacular Rustgill
- Spotted Toughshank
- Spring Polypore
- St. George's mushroom
- Steel-Blue Pinkgill
- Steel-Blue Pinkgill
- Stinkhorn
- Stinking Brittlegill
- Stump Puffball
- Sulphur Knight
- Sulphur Tuft
- Tall Russule
- Tawny Funnel Cap
- Thimble Morel
- Tinder bracket
- Trumpet Chanterelle
- Turkeytail
- Veiled Oyster
- Velvet Rollrim
- Velvet Shank
- Velvet Shank
- Velvety Milkcap
- Violet Webcap
- Weeping Bolete
- Weeping Milkcap
- White Domecap
- Willow Bracket
- Winter Bonnet
- Witch's Butter
- Wood Blewit
- Wood Caulifllower
- Wood Hedgehog
- Wood Hedgehog
- Yellow Morel
- Yellow Stagshorn
- Yellow Stainer
- Yellow Stainer