Rodents - Photos, Pictures - list in alphabetical order:
- African Grass Rat
- Alpine Marmot
- American Pika
- American Red Squirrel
- Azara´s Agouti
- Bank Vole
- Birch Mouse
- Black-striped Field Mouse
- Black-tailed Prairie Dog
- Brown Hare
- Brown Rat
- Cape Ground Squirrel
- Cape Hare
- Capybara
- Central American Agouti
- Chacoan mara
- Common gundi
- Common Hamster
- Common Vole
- Common, Hasel Dormouse
- Degu
- Deppes Squirrel
- Desert Cottontail
- Edible Dormouse
- European Beaver
- Field Vole, Short-tailed Vole
- Forest Dormouse
- Garden Dormouse
- Golden hamster, Syrian hamster
- Golden-mantled Ground Squirrel
- Grizzled Giant Squirrel
- Guinea pig
- Harvest Mouse
- Herb Field Mouse
- House Mouse
- Hutia-konga
- Indian Crested Porcupine
- Indian Hare
- Indian Palm Squirrel
- Kaibab Squirrel
- Least Chipmunk
- Lesser Egyptian Jerboa
- Long-tailed chinchilla
- Mongolian Jird
- Mountain cottontail
- Mountain hare
- Mouse
- Musk Rat
- Northern Pocket Gopher
- Norway lemming
- Nutria, Coypu
- Paka
- Patagonian Mara
- Pine Vole
- Pouched Marmot
- Red Squirrel
- Red-tailed Squirrel
- Rock Squirrel
- Root vole, Tundra vole
- Ship Rat, Black Rat
- Siberian Chipmunk
- Small Five-toed Jerboa
- Smith´s Bush Squirrel
- Snow Vole
- Southern Red-backed Vole
- Uinta Chipmunk
- Uinta Ground Squirrel
- Unstriped Ground Squirrel
- Variegated Squirrel
- Water Vole
- White-tailed Antelope Squirrel
- White-tailed Prairie Dog
- Wild Rabbit
- Winter White Dwarf Hamster
- Wood Mouse,
- Yellow-bellied Marmot
- Yellow-necked Field Mouse
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