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Edible fungi (mushrooms) - edible only immature bodies

Edible fungi (mushrooms) - edible only immature bodies
Species found: 22
Fungi (mushrooms) - Icon explanation
Edible fungi (mushrooms) - edible only immature bodies - list in alphabetical order:
- Chicken of the woods
- Clouded Funnel
- Common Ink Cap
- Common Puffball
- Dryad´s Saddle
- Dusky Bolete
- Dyeball
- Dyeball
- Inkcap - Coprinopsis romagnesiana
- Mosaic Puffball
- Pestle Puffball
- Shaggy Inkcap
- Shaggy Scalycap
- Soft Puffball
- Spiny Puffball
- Stinkhorn
- Stump Puffball
- Transylvanian Big White Truffle
- Transylvanian Big White Truffle
- Umber-Brown Puffball
- Veiled Oyster
- Witch's Butter