Eastern White-faced Darter Dark Whiteface
(Leucorrhinia albifrons)

Golden-ringed Dragonfly - Common Goldenring
(Cordulegaster boltonii)

Dragonflies and Damselflies - Photos, Pictures - list in alphabetical order:
- Azure Damselfly
- Banded Darter
- Beautiful Demoiselle
- Black Meadowhawk
- Black-tailed Skimmer F
- Blue-tailed Damselfly
- Briliant Emerald
- Broad Scarlet Darter
- Broad-bodied Chaser
- Club-tailed Dragonfly
- Common Blue Damselfly
- Common Darter Dragonfly
- Common Hawker
- Common winter damsel
- Damigela
- Damsel-fly
- Damselfly
- Dragonfly
- Dragonfly - larva
- Eastern White-faced Darter Dark Whiteface
- Emerald damselfly
- Emperor dragonfly
- Epaulet Skimmer
- Four-spotted Chaser
- Four-spotted Chaser
- Golden-ringed Dragonfly - Common Goldenring
- Green Snaketail
- Hawker
- Large Red Damselfly
- Lilypad Whiteface
- Migrant Hawker
- Ruddy Darter
- Scarce Emerald Damselfly
- Siberian Winter damselfly
- Small damselfly
- Small Red-eyed Damselfly
- Southern Darter
- Southern Emerald Damselfly
- Southern Hawker Dragonfly
- Spotted Darter
- Vagrant Darter
- Western Demoiselle
- White-faced darfer
- White-legged Damselfly
- White-tailed Skimmer
- Yellow winged Darter
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