Brushfoots - Wildlife Photos
Species found: 39

Spotted Fritillary Red-Band Fritillary
(Melitaea didyma)

Brushfoots - Photos, Pictures - list in alphabetical order:
- Bog Fritillary
- Butterfly
- Camberwell Beauty
- Chestnut Heath
- Comma Butterfly
- Dark Blue Tiger
- Dark Green Fritillary
- Diadem Butterfly
- False Grayling
- Giant Owl Butterfly
- Glanville Fritillary
- High Brown Fritillary
- Hungarian Glider
- Julia Butterfly
- Large Tortoiseshell
- Lesser Marbled Fritillary
- Lesser Purple Emperor
- Map Butterfly
- Map Butterfly
- Map Butterfly - spring forn
- Marbled White
- Meadow Brown
- Painted Lady
- Passion Butterfly
- Peacock
- Poplar Admiral
- Purple Emperor
- Queen
- Queen of Spain Fritillary
- Red Admiral
- Ringlet
- Silver-bordered Fritillary
- Silver-washed Fritillary
- Small Heath
- Small Tortoiseshell
- Southern White Admiral
- Spotted Fritillary Red-Band Fritillary
- Wall Brown
- Woodland Ringlet
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Online photos can be used for private (nonpublic) purposes. The price is optional – set the price yourself. Please pay by a card or wire to our account. Thank you! Jiri Bohdal