Swifts and hummingbirds - Photos, Pictures - list in alphabetical order:
- Andean emerald
- Andrean Emerald
- Black-tailed Trainbearer
- Blue-chinned Sapphire
- Booted Racket-tail
- Bronzy Inca, Inca Bronceado
- Brown Inca
- Brown Violet-ear
- Buff-tailed Coronet
- Buff-winged Starfrontlet
- Buffy Hummingbird
- Collared Inca
- Common Swift
- Cuban Emerald
- Ecuadorian Hillstar
- Fawn-breasted Brilliant
- Great Sapphirewing
- Green Hermit
- Green Thorntail
- Green Violet-ear
- Green-crowned Brilliant
- Green-crowned Woodnymph
- Hoary Puffleg
- Little Swift
- Long-tailed sylph
- Pallid Swift
- Purple-bibbed Whitetip
- Purple-throated Mountaingem
- Purple-throated Woodstar
- Rufous-tailed Hummingbird
- Sapphire-vented Puffleg
- Schwertschnabelkolibri
- Shining Sunbeam
- Sparkling Violet-ear
- Speckled Hummingbird
- Stripe-tailed Hummingbird
- Tyrian Metaltail
- Velvet-purple Coronet
- Violet Sabrewing
- Violet-tailed Sylph
- Viridian Metaltail
- Wedge-billed Hummingbird
- West Andrean Emerald
- White-bellied Woodstar
- White-necked Jacobin
- White-tailed Hillstar
- White-whiskered Hermit
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